Saturday 13 December 2014

What to Expect After Male Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast enlargementin men is known as gynecomastia, this is happening due to hormonal changes during puberty. In most men breast enlargement during puberty is not permanent, but in some cases it may be permanent. Whatever people with gynecomastia are often uncomfortable with their appearance, with the help of breast reduction surgery it can make the chest in to normal shape and appearance by reversing the changes incorporated with the breast development.

Who is the right candidate for breast reduction surgery?

Gynecomastia surgery is recommended for male patient with breast enlargement. This is the key factors that determines whether you are a right candidate for this procedure.
  • Physical health
  • You have a fixed body weight
  • You have a positive attitude and realistic expectations
  • The enlargement of your breasts has stabilized
  • You are worried because your breasts are too large
  • Sagging of breasts and stretching of the areola (the dark skin that surrounds the nipple)

What to expect after surgery

After surgery you should rest. Don't go for any kind of strenuous activities, spend your time in non vigorous activities like watching television, reading, making meals etc.your chest may be swollen and there can find bruising during first 1-3 weeks after the surgery. There will be soring for 7-10 days, your cosmetic surgeon will suggest you proper pain medication for it. In most cases people return to their work(non strenous) after 5-7 days
After stitches removed you will likely be allowed to have lighter exercise. Initially the chest seems to be fuller than your previous condition, this is entirely normal and it will take 1-3 months for complete recovery. As the swelling minimizes you can see the chest has more natural shape, feel and appearance.

To know more details visit us at

Friday 29 August 2014

Laser Skin Rejuvenation : improve the Appearance and Texture of Your Skin

       Most of the people are concerned about their sagging skin and creases on their skin, this may happen due to aging. Lot of people are now choosing skin rejuvenation techniques as soon as their skin starts to lose its elasticity and collagen and this leads to lines and creases on face. In order to get rid of these aging signs people prefer skin resurfacing techniques

        Laser skin resurfacing can reduce the lines and wrinkles on the older skin and can tighten sagging areas of your skin, helps to regain your younger looks. Also it can improve the areas like upper lip and around the eyes.

        Laser treatments are also applicable on pigmentation disorders and removal of acne scars, this is done by using dermabrasion or dermaplaning. Before carrying out these procedures cosmetic surgeon will analyze the severity, color and type of your skin to prefer the treatment that suits you the best. Recovery

        Laser skin treatments can give you amazing results, Through this you can get a smoother skin texture. To maintain your younger appearance always, try to avoid direct exposure of sunlight to your skin.

       Cosmetic surgeon at CPLSS Mumbai provides you the advanced treatments like laser, light and energy-based treatments, chemical peels and other non-ablative techniques to achieve a new texture of skin that radiates your beauty.

Need to know more details about this procedure? Then visit our website
If you have any more queries regarding this treatment you can send it to our email

Interested in this procedure?

Thursday 24 July 2014

Understanding Facelift surgery – Procedure and Risks

A facelift surgery also called as rhytidectomy. This is an appropriate procedure for the person who wants to eliminate wrinkles and sagging skin from their face. This treatment will help you to resolve the changes that happened due to ageing, and to restore your youthful appearance.
In the case of a traditional facelift, the skin and tissues will be tightened by lifting facial skin and the skin can be repositioned smoothly over the face.

In this procedure either general anesthesia or a sedative through an intravenous line or local anesthesia is administered to numb your skin. After this an incision is made at the temple area and circles around the front of the ear.

Then the muscle and tissue underneath is tightened by raising skin. Also the surgeon will remove some skin and fat from this region. In the next stage the skin will be repositioned over the face and the incision is sutured. The skin would naturally crease so that it does not show after the surgery.

After rhytidectomy your face will be bandaged in order to minimize swelling and bruising once your surgery is completed. In some cases thin tubes may be placed usually behind the ear, this is to drain any excess blood or fluid that may collect under the skin. Both the dressing and drainage tube will be removed 1 to 2 days after the surgery and the stitches will be removed within 5 to 10 days.

The following are some problems that may be caused by having a facelift.
  • Reaction to anesthesia
  • Bleeding under the skin
  • Infection
  • Numbness
  • Hair loss or alopecia
  • Tissue loss
  • Scarring
  • Blood clots
The safety and effectiveness of the procedure heavily depends upon the skills of your cosmetic surgeon. The cost of surgery will vary according to the facilities, clinic location, skills of your cosmetic surgeon.

If you need more details on rhytidectomy surgery you can visit our website. If you are interested to go in for a facelift, you can take an on-line appointment through our website.
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Thursday 6 February 2014

Enhance The Beauty Of Your Nose By Rhinoplasty

Aesthetic surgery of the nose called rhinoplasty or nose job can improve the shape and general appearance of your nose .The goal is a nose that looks natural and achieves a harmonious balance with your other facial features .This procedure is performed to correct the shape of the nose, to remove the bumps from the bridge of the nose or to lift a drooping tip or correct a crooked nose or to shorten or lengthen the nose or to make it sharper.

It is possible to perform various types of alterations to your nose. If the septal bone is crooked, changes can be made by reshaping the nasal bone and straightening it, allowing you to breathe easier. Some patients have a hump on the bridge of their nose, which can be chiseled down, making it less visible. The nasal cartilage can be altered to allow thinner bridge and narrower appearance. If the nose is bent it can be straightened and changes can also be made to lift a drooping tip. Cartilage can also be inserted to build up areas to produce a better looking nasal structure. You may need an implant to smoothen the appearance of nose and augment it.

Where Are The Incisions Placed
Incision vary depending on the type of nasal surgery. A majority of the incisions will be made within the nose so that they are not visible. The procedure "open rhinoplasty"requires a very small, inconspicuous incision made at the columella.

In most cases, there is no need for hospitalization, and you can be discharged the same day. You may be required to avoid wearing glasses for a few weeks, as this can impair healing by causing indentation. You should consult your doctor if this affects you. Bruising around the eyes, if any will usually subside in about a week.
The cost of this surgery depends upon the experience of the surgeon and the facilities available with the clinic.

You will appreciate and thoroughly enjoy the new look after surgery.the appearance get better and better with time. It greatly improves your confidence and attitude in life.

For more details visit our website
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